CSU Systemwide NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA Policy

Policy Development History

In late 2023, a working group consisting of Tribal repatriation practitioners, CSU staff, and state representatives was established by the Chancellor's Office to develop a working draft policy as a starting point for discussion during Tribal consultations. Ten statewide listening sessions and several consultations with individual Tribes was held prior to drafting the Working Draft Policy for Tribal Consultation Purposes. Additional Tribal consultations will be held prior to the adoption and implementation of the final CSU Systemwide NAGPRA/CalNAGPRA policy. 

On July 2, 2024, the working draft policy was sent to the Tribes on the NAHC’s CalNAGPRA statewide contact list along with a letter from Chancellor García notifying the Tribes of the Chancellor’s Office intention to hold consultations this fall during the period of September 1st through November 30th. The Chancellor’s letter and the working draft policy are available below.

On August 13, 2024, a second notification letter from Chancellor García was sent to the Tribes on the NAHC’s CalNAGPRA contact list. The letter mentions optional ways to provide feedback on the working draft policy including the Feedback button below, and virtual sessions scheduled for September 18, October 16, and November 20. Chancellor’s Office officials are also planning to be in the San Diego area in October and in Chico in November to hold in-person consultations. Further details will be communicated as details are confirmed. The Chancellor’s second notification letter and the working draft policy are available below.

We welcome feedback. The feedback button below will send you to the feedback form for the Working Draft Policy for Tribal Consultation Purposes. We also welcome your feedback via email at nagpra@calstate.edu.

Feedback This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

One-on-One Consultation

We welcome one-on-one consultations. To arrange make arrangements, please email nagpra@calstate.edu.

Other Information

If you have questions or comments about the Working Draft Policy for Tribal Consultation Purposes, or the future systemwide policy in general, please email Adriane Tafoya, CSU CalNAGPRA Project Manager, atafoya@calstate.edu.

Listening Session Materials

Past Session Summaries

A summary of the input given at past CSU CalNAGPRA/NAGPRA listening sessions is available for review via the link below. This summary document will be updated within 10 business days as future listening sessions conclude. 

https://kearnswest.sharepoint.com/:w:/s/home/EULEyYh9_n9FtvyBwbUMyzIB6lsY7Qwc78lplFsij7cG0w?e=2S7F8R This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

If you attended one or more sessions, we would appreciate your feedback on the information that was captured in the summaries. We welcome feedback regardless of attendance. The feedback button below will send you to the feedback form. We also welcome your feedback via email at nagpra@calstate.edu.

Feedback This link will take you to an external website in a new tab.

Session Slide Presentations